Easy Healthy Lifestyle Changes laurenkinghorn.com

Easy Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Easy Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Easy Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Ooh, I love receiving contributed posts like these! Here are some really easy healthy lifestyle changes you can make today that will make a real difference to your mood. Instantly. And if you make these lifestyle changes stick, they’ll be life-changing.

4 Lifestyle Changes to Relieve Stress, Improve Your Health and Be More Successful

We all get stressed from time to time, and it’s not surprising. Life just has a way of being tough now and then, as our obligations to work, family, and our health, amusement, and well being all too often collide catastrophically.

Of course, it’s fairly common as well that we’ll make things worse ourselves through bad habits and unproductive approaches to resolving our problems.

In the worst of instances, you could find yourself on holiday in the best and most beautiful resort, only to find yourself chronically unable to relax and enjoy the moment. Conversely, if you’re able to manage your stress response when back at home, even the most mind-numbing work concerns can seem like small and manageable things.

As stress affects the quality of our lives to such a great degree, here are some suggestions for lifestyle changes that can help to radically reduce your stress.

4 Lifestyle Changes that are so easy to make, it's scary... yet are we doing this stuff? #easyhealthylifestylechanges1. Read on topics that uplift and intrigue you

You may have an enduring interest in technical subjects such as science or engineering, or your passion might be reading the literature of the past and getting lost in the incredible worlds that people managed to create over the span of human history.

On the other hand, you might be passionate about reading up on healthcare as a prelude to taking up a degree at the University of Southern California.

Regardless of what your particular area of fascination is, reading has the ability to transport us away from the preoccupations and worries of ordinary life and to carry us off to an eternal world of images and concepts – whether those take the form of mathematical formulae, or the metaphors and wordplay of William Shakespeare.

Distracting yourself from your concerns and preoccupations – even if only for a brief time – can have a tremendously positive effect on your overall sense of wellness. It can calm the mind and reduce stress, and as we know stress is not just a matter of “feeling uncomfortable”, but can have tremendously negative consequences for health when it’s allowed to become chronic.

Reading is a great and productive form of distraction which you can turn to no matter where you are.

2. Quit the caffeine and alcohol

This tip is often difficult for people to stomach (excuse the pun), for the obvious reason that caffeine and alcohol are so incredibly rife and common in the world. The vast majority of adults in the Western world consume both alcohol and caffeine, and many consume them on a daily basis.

But caffeine is a drug known to directly boost the production of the body’s stress hormones, and to tire out the various receptors and organs associated with those, and other, hormones.

That daily cup of coffee may be contributing quite dramatically to your chronic sense of stress and anxiety.

Likewise, alcohol causes damage to the brain and other organs of the body, and there is evidence that even in small amounts, it may make people less healthy, less resilient, and less capable of facing the world head-on. A bitter irony, considering people so often get drunk to drown out their stress and anxiety.

By quitting these two substances and shouldering through the few weeks or months of irritability and withdrawal (yes, really, they are actually drugs) you may find your stress vastly diminished.

3. Be sure to fuel yourself properly

A large number of people are constantly fighting to attain the perfect physique. Bellies are never flat enough, biceps never toned enough, and so on, and so on.

One of the side-effects of this obsession is that many people live in a state of chronic yo-yo dieting and caloric deprivation.

The bottom line is that when you don’t eat enough food, your body doesn’t work properly, you are less resilient, less healthy, and your stress hormone level are through the roof.

Make sure to fuel yourself properly. Eat whole, nourishing foods, comprising carbs, protein and fats. Yes, low carb diets may also boost stress hormones.

4. Get away somewhere scenic every once in a while

If your home environment becomes too stressful, you need to take steps to address the causes of that stress, and make it more bearable.

If your home is not excessively stressful, but you’re just chronically stressed anyway, getting away and visiting somewhere scenic once in a while can really help to alleviate the bad feelings.

Go somewhere where you don’t have to worry about work. Somewhere you can be inspired by the beauty of nature, and just relax for a while.

Aren’t these the easiest lifestyle changes to make?  And can you see how effective they can be?   Are you doing this stuff?

2 thoughts on “Easy Healthy Lifestyle Changes”

  1. Hello and thanks so much for listing these great tips I believe that we all can use moments in our life when we can just sit back relax and take it easy. I believe that are healthy is depending in a great part on our state of mind and outlook on life. What you have written will be an inspiration to so many people as they follow what you are suggesting.

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