Welcome Beautiful Soul,  I’m Lauren Kinghorn, leader of the Hey Shoo WOW Movement.  

At 51, I am the happiest and most peaceful I’ve ever been.  

I work from home as a  Writer, Podcaster, Transformation Life Coach and Energy Healer in our little corner of paradise in Sunset Beach, Cape Town, South Africa. 

Lauren Kinghorn's dogs, Lucky and Chloe playing in the sunset on Sunset Beach, Cape Town, South Africa

Every day I feel deeply grateful to live the life I get to lead.

I’m happily married to Daniel and blessed to have a lovely bonus daughter, Skyler, who is nearly 20 and a lively son, Benjamin, who is 10.  

Pictured above are our rescue dogs, Lucky and Chloe, playing in the sunset on Sunset Beach.

Lauren Kinghorn – Energy Healer

Lauren Kinghorn _ Energy Healer _ Lightworker

 I’ve been an Energy Healer for 3 decades.  In my twenties, I studied and practised therapeutic bodywork and energy healing modalities full-time.

  • Aromatherapy
  • Swedish Massage
  • Reflexology
  • Shiatsu
  • Polarity Therapy
  • Reiki
  • Quantum-Touch
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (often called EFT or Tapping)

Lauren Kinghorn – Digital Entrepreneur

Lauren Kinghorn Visionary Digital Entrepreneur

For the first 2 years of my son’s life, it was my joy and great privilege to be a stay-at-home Mom.  When my son turned 2, I could see he needed more stimulation – and so did I.

So he started playschool and I started writing a book and building an online media business as a Digital Entrepreneur.

I created:

  • 4 niche websites
  • 3 YouTube channels
  • 3 podcasts on Spotify

I became best known as the Founder of Inspiring Mompreneurs.

Lauren Kinghorn – Transformation Life Coach

In 2021, I did some intensive courses in Transformation Life Coaching, The Law of Attraction and Hypnotherapy.  I became a Transformation Life Coach and started serving women in a new capacity.

In 2023 I wrote the e-book you can download from this website on my 7 Natural Laws of Longevity and launched my coaching program to boost Lifespan, Healthspan, and Joyspan.

And in 2024, the Hey Shoo WOW Movement was born.

I’m halfway through writing the full book including which I plan to publish on Amazon KDP and I’ve just launched the coaching program – Reverse Your Age – The Hey Shoo Wow Way .

What is Hey Shoo WOW?

Hey Shoo WOW

Aah, great question.   Hey Shoo WOW is the phrase I like to use for what others might call woo-woo, alternative, spiritual, or New Age.

I also use hey shoo wow as a phrase to describe that which lights us up inside, sparks joy, and opens our hearts and minds.

Resisting the Hey Shoo Wow Path

For decades, I felt I was on the fringe of this movement – not quite fully immersed because I was brought up in the Christian faith. My Dad was a Presbyterian Minister, so I grew up in the Church.

When I started studying and practising as a massage therapist, I would have Christians coming to me with questions about whether what I was doing was against their faith.

They felt safe coming to me for treatments because they knew I was a Minister’s daughter, and at the time, I was working from my parent’s home, the Presbyterian Manse.

I was a bridge between Christianity and modalities that may have originated from other faiths or beliefs. I offered a way for those clients to experience something that felt different and unfamiliar.

But I remained on the fringe until I studied A Course in Miracles many years later.  ACIM helped me marry the two sides of me, the Christian, with the spiritual path.

I began to comprehend how I could be an Infinite Being, a Child of God and part of the Mind of God, while still being fully grounded here on Mother Earth, having a human experience.

As I started taking more quiet time in meditation and prayer, I began to experience what it felt like to have Spirit residing in me.

I started playing with radiating LOVE, PEACE, JOY and HEALING out into the world and it felt so good.

So yes, there was I time I would hear myself saying things like, “I’m not that Hey Shoo Wow”.

Lately, I’ve realised I am.

Embracing My Hey Shoo Wow Nature

Lauren Kinghorn _ Hey Shoo WOW

I am an infinite being.

I am that crunchy Mama.

I am into mindfulness, meditation and prayer.

I am into being present, conscious and aware.

I am into energy healing, alternative healing, holistic healing and natural healing.

I am into A Course in Miracles.

I am into God and Angels and Guides.

I am into manifesting and the law of attraction.

I am into creating magic and experiencing miracles.

I am into counting blessings, savouring, gratitude and deep appreciation.

I am into light, love, hope, joy, peace and forgiveness.

I am into heart-centred living and loving.

I am into radical self-love and self-care.

I am into random acts of kindness.

I am into the Ho’oponopono Prayer as much as I am into the Prayer of St Francis of Assisi.

I am into sharing and caring.

I am into connecting and collaborating.

Lauren Kinghorn – Leader of the Hey Shoo WOW Movement

Lauren Kinghorn _ Leader of the Hey Shoo WOW Movement

And here I am, leading the Hey Shoo Wow Movement.

I am into being a Lightworker, a Minister, a Priestess of Love and Light.

I am into being a Thought Leader.

I am into fulfilling my purpose and shining my special light out into the world.

And as I show up and shine, helping others own and shine their special light too.

I am into positively impacting, inspiring and transforming the lives of millions of beautiful, magical, wondrous women just like YOU, all around the world.

Are YOU into Hey Shoo Wow?

Does this resonate with you?

Are you into this way of life too?

If you’re one of us Hey Shoo Wowers, or would like to be, this is your personal invitation to join our circle of amazing women who choose to live intentional, joyful, inspired lives.

Join our Hey Shoo Wow Movement.

Lauren Kinghorn _ Profile Pic _ photo credit _ Belle Lumiere FotoWould You Like to Work with Me?

Prefer a private chat?  Schedule a meet and greet with me.

This update to my About Me page was written on 27th March 2024, just after I turned 51.

Photos of Lauren Kinghorn captured by Lee van Huyssteen of Belle Lumière Foto.

4 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Such a beautiful website, Lauren and the most beautiful subject matter. You’ve done very well and I’m looking forward to following your progress.
    All the best to you.

  2. Dear Lauren, I truly love this website! The stories are delicious and the feeling here is so connecting. No matter the age of the mom, it is just so appealing. You have done a fabulous job. I feel like every time I come back to look there is yet another layer of love. I cannot wait to hear how this site becomes a premier place for mother’s needing support and resources. Great job, wishing you incredible flowing success always and in all ways! ariel

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