Are there any advantages to dental implants?  Of course, there are!

Are there any advantages to dental implants?  Of course, there are!

Are there any advantages to dental implants?  Of course, there are!

When you have missing teeth, life can feel hard; you have to smile in group photos with your mouth closed and you are restricted to eating softer foods.  And, even if you have restoratives like dentures, there are often still issues with movement and sores forming on the gums. Yikes!

This brings the topic nicely to dental implants. Affixed to the jaw, these restoratives will never move and, following a short surgery to fit them, once they have fused with your jaw, they should last a lifetime.

So, no more blisters or sores, just great looking, functional teeth.

Are there any advantages to dental implants?  Of course, there are! | UlqS8Le8bOzheMkX1clzGxNEqS vcrJBP60LXhpLm4mK4gxxIDi3nh2R3ZgATvvCjZ8IBomXovYBXBWBOQUEhP2SS5zKX

Advantages of Dental Implants

So, what are some of the other advantages of having dental implants fitted?  A dentist in St John’s Wood answers that question below.

1. Immovable

Dental implants cannot move once they have fused to your jaw, meaning you don’t need any glues or additional adhesives to hold them in place.

The fusing process can take up to 6 months, depending on your age and health, but once it is complete, those implants are there for at least 15 years!

2. Minor

The surgery surrounding oral implants is minimal and, depending on your dental team and clinical need, it may be performed in one sitting.

3. Painless

As you may know, many people have concerns about dental implants causing discomfort during the fitting. However, your dental team will ensure that your jaw is sufficiently numbed before the procedure starts, meaning that there will be no discomfort when you are getting your new gnashers fitted!

Are there any advantages to dental implants?  Of course, there are! | kDSOFyuLP6ePZohujlkq dy6zzym93bcoG4qB Wx5IjEsidcvpHWrcuy1ktZFEItxdyO5i9eDPynJbOOOtPsVF

4. Life-long

Assuming that you care for them correctly, your dental implants should last the rest of your life. This means that you will have to treat them as you treat your natural teeth; they will need daily brushing, flossing and will need to be examined by your dental team bi-annually and you will also need to keep an eye out for things like gum disease or signs of infection.

If you suspect any of these, contact your dental team immediately.

5. Anti-allergy

Some patients have concerns that dental implants will be rejected by the body due to an immune response. But, this is not true; almost all oral implants are made from titanium, which is inert and will stay in place once fused. So, there is no need to worry about allergic reactions or your body rejecting your newly fitted dental implants.

6. Natural-looking

Many patients worry that the crowns of oral implants (the teeth) will look fake next to their natural teeth. However, crowns are designed to seamlessly blend in with any natural teeth that you may have if this is the goal.

If you want to have an entire set of teeth replaced with a glowing white Hollywood-esque set of teeth, then that can be achieved too! Just tell your dental team what you want.

7. Types

If you aren’t able to have endosteal implants fitted for whatever reason, there are different types of dental implants that can be used. Ask your dental team about suitability for subperiosteal, zygomatic or even mini implants.

Related: Replacing Teeth

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