Dental Implants - Are They Worth the Procedure?

Dental Implants – Are They Worth the Procedure?

Dental Implants – Are They Worth the Procedure?

When suffering from tooth loss, which can happen due to a number of reasons, the impact on both the physical and mental health of the patient can be great.

Dental implants, which are sturdy, natural-looking and are considered a long-term solution are therefore one of the leading tooth replacement procedures offered.

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How does the process work?

Once the loss of a tooth has occurred it is important to contact your dental team as soon as possible so that no further damage to the area can occur.

A consultation will take place, where a series of physical examinations, photographs and in some cases X-rays will be taken to ensure that the jawbone has sufficient depth for the implant to be effectively put into place.

Once this has been established the procedure can often be carried out on the same day.

To begin with, a local anaesthetic will be applied to the area and a small incision within the gum will be made followed by the insertion of the implant screw or post. Whilst this may sound extremely daunting, this procedure is extremely common and with the local anaesthetic in place, only mild discomfort should occur after the procedure has been completed.

Once the screw is inserted into place the area will, in most cases, be left to heal. This enables the surrounding bone to regenerate around the screw ensuring an extremely secure base for the restored tooth.

In most cases, a temporary crown or bridge will be put in situ and after some healing time, a permanent solution will be put in place.

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Is this treatment suitable for everyone?

Whilst dental implants Nottingham are often the preferred choice for tooth replacement due to their stability and long-term benefits, unfortunately, those with unhealthy gums or weak bones may not be able to have this particular treatment.

It is important to have these aspects of health in place so as to provide the stability needed for this procedure. This will always be discussed and decided within your consultation and if there is a way around the procedure your dental team will discuss this with you at the time.

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Immediately following the surgical procedure the patient will be encouraged to rinse their mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash. This is then recommended on a daily basis for at least one week post-surgery so as to maintain the overall health of the area whilst healing.

Just two weeks later an appointment will take place where the area will be examined to ensure everything is healing efficiently.

For those with temporary crowns or bridges, depending on the amount of healing that has occurred, a discussion will take place as to when the permanent crowns can be attached.  This is dependent on the individual case so please do not worry if your dental team is not considering this yet.

Please note, all dental treatments and procedures, including those mentioned within this article, need thorough consultation. All patients are therefore advised to seek further information and advice from their local dental team before undergoing any treatments.

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