Halloween Story Online

The Legend of Mr. Ween (Book Review)

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Here’s a novel idea (pun intended) – a Halloween story. Well, it was for me.  I had never read a Halloween Legend until I received this request for a Book Review (this is a sponsored post).

And I’m so glad I accepted. Because The Legend of Mr Ween by Daren Ross is a gripping story, superbly well written.

This fascinating Halloween story reads like folklore and is available online right now, free of charge.

Who will Enjoy Reading this Book?

Happy Halloween! Here's a free book for you to download. I found the Legend of Mr Ween brilliant! #halloweenstoryonline #thelegendofmrween #freedownload #bookreviewI started out reading to my 6-year-old son and a friend of his who’s the same age but I realised after a page or two that the book was written for teens or adults, not children. The vocabulary was too advanced for them.

I’m glad I stopped reading to them before the story became too much for them to handle. As the story unfolded, it became clear that this book was not written for young kids.

Our 15-year-old wasn’t home but I’m pretty sure she would find it an awesome read because she’s a Harry Potter fan and this book also has that kind of fantastical feel to it.

Because it’s pitched somewhere in between reality and fantasy, I found myself wanting to believe in the legend at the end. I couldn’t help but research the origins of Halloween after reading it.

The Legend of Mr Ween

Mr Hal O Ween is a young man who arrives in Boston in Autumn, 1905, looking for work.  There’s an air of mystery surrounding the young man.  We learn that he has been trained by a Master and is on a mission of sorts.

He senses that the townsfolk are increasingly angry and unsettled and this has something to do with a poison that’s being sold as an elixir to cure all ills.

I’m not going to give the entire story away because, hey, as I mentioned before it’s a free download and it’s a lot more fun to read it.

Did I say fun?  Not all parts of the book are fun to read and I found myself thinking that if this were a movie, it would be a horror and I’d be petrified in some parts.

Essentially, there’s a battle of good versus evil. The pumpkin lanterns with their firey smiles are the light triumphing over the darkness. The words Daren Ross uses in the story are creativity and confidence destroy fear.

When the battle is over, the words he uses are thankfulness…immense relief…peace.  And these are the feelings you are left with when you finish reading the book.  The author is masterful at taking you through a range of emotions.

Do You Celebrate Halloween?

I don’t remember celebrating Halloween here in South Africa when I was a child.

Interestingly though, trick or treating on Halloween is very much part of our culture now.  It’s a big event in the Golf Estate where we live. Every year we choose a fun costume and go trawling around with the children from house to house, collecting treats.

What do you do for Halloween?  And is reading The Legend of Mr Ween on the cards for you this year? 

Grab your copy while it’s still free.

Happy Halloween.

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