Learn How to Level Up Your Life Fast with Elizabeth Batalla
Elizabeth Batalla founded The Institute for Achievement and Excellence.
Elizabeth has distilled her 30 years of experience in corporate management and training into her flagship online program, “Achieving Professional Excellence”.
The Institute for Achievement and Excellence
Course Details and GIVEAWAY
Find out more in our interview below or go to the full podcast on Fempreneurs Unite.
Level up Your Life and Be Unstoppable
Lauren: In your own words, what do you do for a living?
Elizabeth: I help women to be unstoppable so they can achieve success and fulfilment in their professional and personal life.
Lauren: If you wear many hats in business, which of these do you love most, which takes most of your time and which brings in the most income?
- Love most: creating amazing content to help inform, instruct and inspire all who access it.
- Most time: YouTube videos due to the animated content – current animation technology is great but it still has a long way to go.
- Most income: It is word of mouth – i.e. personal references.
Elizabeth Batalla – Zone of Genius
Lauren: What is your zone of genius?
Elizabeth: Helping others recognise how attainable achieving their dream(s) actually is, providing practical steps to accomplish it and adding a splash of motivation so they realise living the life they want is not something reserved for the select few.
Lauren: Do you feel you are operating in your zone of genius in your business?
Elizabeth: Absolutely! It is the reason why I created The Institute for Achievement and Excellence.
After 30 years in the corporate world and mentoring many along the way, I decided to package my formula for success in a form that is easily accessible to someone with internet access.
Elizabeth the Entrepreneur
Lauren: When did you decide to become an entrepreneur?
Elizabeth: May 2020 – during the early stage of the global pandemic.
I instinctively felt that the world would not be the same and judging from a couple of months prior to May 2020 – that the fallout would be intense and there would be many who would benefit from what I had stored in my head.
Lauren: Why did you decide to become an entrepreneur?
Elizabeth: To do what I love full-time – help women to be unstoppable through easily accessible, high-quality masterclasses that can completely change their lives and ripple out to the lives of their loved ones.
Lauren: Is this your first entrepreneurial pursuit?
Elizabeth: No. I have tried other ventures but with the intention of doing it part-time. The Institute for Achievement and Excellence is the only venture I have dedicated myself to fully.
Lauren: What prompted you to start your own business?
Elizabeth: I was always interested in the possibility of being an entrepreneur but attempted it more as a hobby. I believe the pandemic was a turning point for many… I am one such statistic. I felt a shift in my priorities – from supporting women part-time as an element of my job description to empowering women full time as my burning passion.
Lauren: How did you come up with the idea?
Elizabeth: After 30 years in corporate education and mentoring many along the way, there was an unmistakable trend in the type of questions, concerns, desires, guidance needed etc.
Of course, there is an overlap with some of the elements but for the most part, they can be categorised into 9 life areas.
The flagship program – Achieving Professional Excellence – addresses these elements.
Who Elizabeth Serves
Lauren: Who did you have in mind when you started your business? Who do you serve?
Elizabeth: Who I have in mind: Women! Women of all beautiful shapes, colours and sizes.
Although we have come a long way, women still do not enjoy equal opportunities in their professional and personal circles. A woman may not always have control over her situation but she has control over how she shows up in the situation.
The woman I have in mind is someone who is keen to be the best that she can be, knows that investing in herself never ends and takes control of the outcomes in her life despite the challenges of inequality she faces.
Who I serve: Predominantly women from 25 to 50 who want to achieve success in their personal and professional growth, want a holistic approach to the process and have minimal time to accomplish it.
Career Highlights and Challenges
Lauren: What has been the number one highlight of your career?
Elizabeth: The wonderful feedback from women who have completed the masterclass and are now experiencing a life they thought was only possible for others not for them.
Lauren: What has been the greatest challenge for you to overcome in your career?
Elizabeth: Successfully navigating the world of male-dominated companies as a female…
Lauren: All things considered do you feel it was a good decision to become an entrepreneur?
Elizabeth: Absolutely! I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Daily Work Schedule and Rituals
Lauren: Where do you work most days?
Elizabeth: I work from home because I like feeling comfortable and having access to all I need when I am working.
Lauren: How many days per week do you work on average?
Elizabeth: Every day except on Sundays (from noontime, onwards). I step away from technology completely.
Lauren: How many hours do you estimate you work per day on average?
Elizabeth: At the moment – 10 hours
Lauren: Do you have any daily rituals to maintain a work-life balance?
Elizabeth: Absolutely! I follow what I teach. I strive for balance. I have rituals in the morning, mid-day and night. I ensure that by the end of each week, I have given adequate time to all 9 of my life areas.
Passion, Vision and Message
Lauren: Do you feel you are living your passion?
Elizabeth: Yes… and sharing it with the world!
Lauren: Do you feel you have already created your best work?
Elizabeth: I have… and more of my best is yet to come!
Lauren: If you were to die tomorrow, would you be at peace knowing you had lived a full, happy and meaningful life? Or would you feel you were dying with your song unsung?
Elizabeth: I am singing my song as we speak.
Lauren: Wonderful! Do you have a message you would like the world to hear?
Elizabeth: Regardless of your starting point, your dreams are possible to achieve so never, ever give up on them.
Elizabeth Batalla – Advice for New Entrepreneurs
Lauren: What advice would you give someone just starting out as an entrepreneur?
Elizabeth: The number one piece of advice is:
Don’t wait for the ideal time to start what you need to do to get where you want to go!
There is never a perfect time to take action so let go of the notion that today is not the ‘right’ day. The biggest obstacle is simply getting started.
Start where you are, use what you have and do the best you can… but JUST GET STARTED.
Lauren: Is there anything you wish you knew when you started out as an entrepreneur?
Elizabeth: My attributes of dedication, resilience and patience will be tested – CONSTANTLY.
They are required to maintain the momentum, recover from disappointments and control expectations because sustaining success as an entrepreneur is a race for the marathon runner, not the sprinter.
Related: Top Ways to Empower Women in Business
Lauren: What have you missed out on by becoming an entrepreneur?
Elizabeth: The luxury of working 9-5.
The day of an entrepreneur starts earlier, ends later and spills over into the weekends.
Lauren: What have you gained by becoming an entrepreneur?
Elizabeth: Patience, resilience and establishing clear boundaries.
Lauren: Do you feel you chose an easy path or a difficult one?
Elizabeth: Definitely a more challenging one. Being an entrepreneur is no easy feat. The highs/lows, successes/failures, mastery/madness – it makes living quite a rollercoaster of a ride.
Hopes, Plans and Fears
Lauren: What are your hopes and plans for this year?
Elizabeth: To help as many women as I can to achieve their professional and personal transformation goals via my masterclasses.
Lauren: What are your fears?
Elizabeth: What I am doing now! It takes a great degree of courage to step off the cliff of your comfort zone, so you can soar to the heights you are destined to reach.
Tools of the Trade and Mentors
Lauren: Which tools of the trade have been enormously helpful for you?
Elizabeth: Online courses to bridge my knowledge gap. I invest in courses to learn the basics, how to do things correctly from the start, tricks of the trade etc. A lot can be learned from courses at a very reasonable price.
It is time, effort and money-saving. In this way, when I pay for coaches I get more value because the time I have with them is used more for strategic advice rather than basic guidance.
Lauren: Who has been enormously helpful to you? Do you have mentors in business?
Helpful: Everyone I come into contact with has value because that is how I choose to see others. As a result, I continue to receive help all the time (and I make sure to pay it forward).
Mentor: Not any one person as it depends on my point of focus or gap I am trying to close at the time.
If you told me a couple of years ago that I would invest in special software and binge-watch how to create animated videos for my youtube channel, I would have thought that maybe you had one too many glasses of Champagne (or whichever drink makes you happy).
Lauren: Are there any courses or studies you feel have been essential to your success?
Elizabeth: Yes – a more in-depth understanding of the various social media and search engine platforms – it’s a challenge to keep on top of changing algorithms and regulations.
Lauren: Is there a book, song or movie that has had huge significance or meaning in your life?
There are many so I will share the one that started it for me. I like its simplicity – of the message, of the implementation and of the result.
It is called:
The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn. (orig. pub. 1925)
Another honourable mention is: Who Moved My Cheese by Spenser Johnson (orig. pub. 1998)
Spreading the Word
Lauren: If there was any way I could help you, what it would it be?
Elizabeth: To help me spread the word that there IS a proven formula available for achieving success and fulfilment in one’s professional and professional life.
Lauren: Who is your target market? If I were to give you a referral, who would I be looking for?
Elizabeth: Women 25-40, at the operational – mid-management level in their companies or in-between jobs, eager to improve personally and professionally and want to level up their lives (in a holistic way) – fast.
Learn How to Level Up Your Life Fast with Elizabeth Batalla
Elizabeth is very kindly giving away free lifetime unlimited access to her signature course, Achieving Professional Excellence to one lucky member of Fempreneurs Unite.
The program sells for $599.99 (plus charges) so it’s a VERY GENEROUS gift.
And it’s worth far more to you when you apply what is taught in the program because that’s how you will learn how to level up fast and be unstoppable.
If you’d like to be considered for this wonderful prize, make sure you’re a member of Fempreneurs Unite on LinkedIn (it’s free to join). And leave a comment below this post or our podcast post saying why Elizabeth and her panel should pick you for the award.
She is looking for someone who is ready to level up in their professional and personal life yet may not be able to afford to invest in herself at this stage.
The closing date for the giveaway will be midnight (UK time) on Tuesday 24th August and we will announce the winner on Wednesday 25th August.
Post Update – 25 August 2021
Announcement – We have a Winner!
Our warmest congratulations to Elize Swanepoel, the winner of our Giveaway. Elize left an amazing comment on our post on Fempreneurs Unite.
Elize is super excited to get started on Elizabeth’s course, Achieving Professional Excellence. Thanks so much, Liz for so kindly offering this generous prize.
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Visit The Institute for Achievement and Excellence
I’m doing this program myself, so I’ll be publishing a full review as soon as I’m finished. In the meantime, have a look at all course details here: https://courses.achievementandexcellence.com/
Remember that the signature course is a combination of every course Elizabeth has created.
Connect with Elizabeth
Affiliate Disclaimer: If you purchase anything through a link in this post, please assume I have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that I’ll be compensated in some small way at no extra cost to you.
Finally, a topic about women and how to succeed! Women are a very important part of society, the same as men can be, so rights must also be equal. We as women have battled so have to have the same and fair rights as men, even though we are looked by the opposite sex as a weaker player which is not true. We are capable of doing the same things in a quicker and professional way. Just look at some countries, where pay rates still continue to be different based on gender. We need more girl power. Excellent page.
Thanks so much for your comment. I think you are correct that most, if not all countries, continue to pay women less than men. This is one of the reasons women are taking to entrepreneurship, where we get to write our own cheques each month. As a Fempreneur and as a Digital Entrepreneur, we get to set our own hours and determine our own salaries.
I fully agree with you ladies. It is one of the main reasons I decided to follow my passion and bring something to the table that will help women regardless of age, colour, ethinicity, appearance or any other form of ‘distraction’ from the value we uniquely offer.