Should You Quit Your Job to Start a Business?

Should You Quit Your Job To Start A Business?

Should You Quit Your Job To Start A Business?

Many people toy with the idea of starting a business, and nowadays it’s much easier than it’s ever been thanks to the internet and social media. However, the process of actually taking that idea from dream to reality is not as easy as some people like to make out, and can also be extremely overwhelming when you’ve never been involved in starting a business before.

Here are some thoughts to consider…

Have you had enough of the 9 to 5? Thinking of quitting? Let's stop to consider all the ins and outs first. #ShouldYouQuitYourJobtoStartaBusinessMoonlight first or just quit?

Another big question that people often ask when thinking of starting a business is whether they should quit their job outright to devote everything to their business or whether they should keep their job whilst building their business on the side.

The truth is there really isn’t any right or wrong answer, and it’s completely dependent on what actually works for you. Whilst some people will have super strong opinions for both sides of the argument, you have to remember that this is only their opinion and not a universal fact that works for everyone.

When are you most productive?

Just like some people swear by the benefits of getting up at 5am everyday, other people are far more productive in the middle of the night, so there may be studies to support one side or the other, but these are still very individual matters, and whilst some people may find that quitting their job gives them the motivation and drive to make a success of their business, others would find this to be far too stressful and actually rather counterproductive if they were constantly worried about how the rent or mortgage was getting paid.

The fact is, there’s simply no right or wrong, and it’s important to remember that some of the best side hustle ideas have come to fruition when someone had the creative time, freedom and energy to focus on their business that could only be afforded to them due to the fact that they had a regular steady income coming in at the same time.

Who will support you if you can’t?

When deciding whether or not you should quit your job when starting a business, it’s also important to think of the other people in your life who may be affected by your decision rather than if you only had yourself to think about.

For example, if you have a partner, how would they feel about you quitting your job? Would they be willing and able to take over the bills if needed until you started making a profit in your business, or do you have savings that could keep you going for a few months?

Do you have dependents?

Also, if you have children, then this is incredibly important – you need to be sure that you’ll still be able to provide for them during this time, and if you just don’t feel like the risk is worth it, then perhaps it’s best not to quit your job, but instead set yourself a clear deadline that you can use as your motivation for getting your business up and running by a certain date.

No matter which decision you make, just be sure it’s the right one for you and your family and don’t allow yourself to be pressured into making one that doesn’t feel right for you.

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I quit my job to have a child. And then started my blogging business a couple of years track so I could work from home. None of this would have been possible without my husband’s financial backing.  He supported me for 2 years when I didn’t work at all and it was nearly another 2 years before my blogs took off.  

Businesses can take time to build.  Are you in a position to take it slow?

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