What is the Key to Success in Life laurenkinghorn.com

What is the Key to Success in Life?

What is the Key to Success in Life laurenkinghorn.com

What is the Key to Success in Life?

Ask this question to a room full of people and you will find each person gives you a different answer.

One might say it’s…

  • Commitment, another might say it’s
  • Self-Discipline
  • Gratitude
  • Being fully present in each moment
  • Being in contribution
  • Making a Difference
  • The ability to multi-task, or
  • Focusing on only completing only one task at time
  • Setting SMART Goals
  • Knowing what you want and taking action
  • Tackling the most important tasks of each day first, or 
  • Beginning with the end in mind
  • Leaving a legacy
  • Focusing on Family
  • Focusing on Health
  • Focusing on Self-Care
  • Time Management
  • Never ever quitting…

Ariel Harris, Founder of Success-full-living.com asks and answers this question beautifully in her guest post below, the second in our series on Conscious Living.  

You can find Ariel’s first post on Inspiring MompreneursFood for the Body and Soul of our Kids – Conscious Eating

You can find Ariel’s third post on Happy Human PacifierHow to Raise Compassionate Kids – Conscious Parenting

What is the Key to Success in Life?  Choosing Conscious Balance

That sounds like a mouthful doesn’t it? I mean, after all, we are constantly on the search for the elusive sense of success. Ultimately though, it is ours to choose how we define success, isn’t it?

So what is the key to success in life? 

The answer:  Choosing Conscious Balance

What is the Key to Success in Life? Choosing Conscious Balance according to Author, Ariel Harris | whatisthekeytosuccessinlife |Huh, let’s look at that. What do we mean by conscious balance?  Or for that matter, even our definition of success. Especially in work and life balance.

We know how we feel as worker bees. Constantly on the go, never a moment to just be. And it starts to catch up on us. We feel stressed and disconnected. And perhaps start to feel not quite so energetic or healthy.

Are we willing to explore our lives at this point? That is the proverbial question.

I like to, only half teasingly, say that at some point in my life, I became a Reformed Type A personality.

But it took intense life events to force me to look at how I was not consciously living in my own best interest. For many of us, and I know this was so true of me, I think we are not always ready to see there are other options.

Sometimes we are so caught up in what we think we are expected to be or do, that we lose sight of what we truly need to be healthy or fully engaged in our own life.

So how do we know when we are not in balance?


Argh, do we even bother to listen to those faint or sometimes blatant warning signals? You know the signs:

  • exhaustion
  • short fuse
  • loss of joy
  • isolation
  • not feeling great
  • no time for anything but work

I, for sure, totally ignored that I was working myself into an unhealthy situation.

After all, as a single parent, working 65 hours a week was not a question.

It was necessary.

Or was it?

Today we have so many other ways to choose our own path.  And it comes down to our willingness to choose what is most valuable for us to be living in a state of peaceful, fulfilling balance.

The balance of honoring all that is sacred and valuable to our core truth.

And when we find that balance and live it, we not only change our lives but impact those around us.

OUR CHOICES, CONSCIOUS Success or External Success

I think one of the hardest choices is determining where our true needs and values lay.

Where or how do we really want to use our time?

We have all heard that life is not a dress rehearsal.

So where are our values when it comes to our life’s path?

Do we really want to be chasing our dollar dreams, fulfilling our hearts or …fill in the blank?

And let me make it really clear here. Having wealth does not automatically come with the judgment of hierarchy or good vs. bad. Money is just another energetic exchange. How we choose to classify it or give it meaning, is where we run into a wall.  And that is where the choice of consciousness comes into play for me.

If we just want money for the sake of how we will be perceived in our community or family, that chase will ultimately be empty and unfulfilling.

If instead, we see our way of having and accruing our finances as an expression of our own worthiness and creativity, money flows in a very different way. Because then, we are making the conscious choice to jump into our own power.

And that also gives us choice as to how hard we choose to work. And what kind of time investment is balanced for the best interest of our family and our health.

So the question is whether or not we are choosing our daily life as an expression of our true self or what’s defined by society? And it is in the conscious choice of defining our needs that we come to terms with our own sense of success.

And that is a deeply personal place. My sense of success has truly changed. I am no longer seeing success as the McMansion.

But rather..

  • How many people have I had the privilege of connecting with and brought some sense of joy or peace to their lives?
  • How often am I in a position of choosing giving love and compassion?
  • How am I using my creativity as the venue for self-expression of my own truth?

In choosing to live Success on our own terms, we consciously forge our union with the Universe and then live in Inner Peace.

What is the Key to Success in Life? Choosing Conscious Balance according to Author, Ariel HarrisMEDITATION FOR BEING

When we make the choice to be in a state of being, we are acknowledging the peace of this moment. That does not mean we do not take our responsibilities seriously.

It just means that at each moment we can make the very conscious choice to be present.  We do not need to hold on to any thoughts or beliefs. We just have to be. We step into the bearing witness to our lives.

In fact, wouldn’t you agree that there is no better gift we can give to each other than being fully present in our interactions?

I think there is nothing more loving or validating to give to those we love.


Ready to try this meditation?

Find a comfortable place to sit.

And promise to be gentle with yourself through this exercise, okay?

Start with a few very easy breaths.

Let your mind rest.

Say this mantra, I am living my peace. I am living my peace.  I am living my peace.

Continue saying it until you can feel your body fully relax.

When your body is in full relaxation, notice the sense of presence. It is easy, there are no should’s, and no constructs. No have to’s. No thoughts.

This is the joy of being present and being. Fully bearing witness without having to say anything or hold on to any attachments.

In this state, we radiate peace and compassion. We can call on this state anytime we choose.

We just have to choose.

The more you practice this on a daily basis, the easier your sense of being present will be.


At any moment in our lives, we are constantly faced with the gift of choice. It is in this gift that we enter into a pact of sort that defines how we will be in that choice. Being fully conscious in our choices is the ultimate step to success. For it says we are not willing to be led down a path that is not ours.

Instead, we take the reins of our lives and decide at each moment what will best serve our highest interest of truth. And at that moment we have achieved success and balance in our work and lives.

Do let me know how you are choosing to be fully present in your life. How do you see this working for you? Do you feel ready to examine the choice to be conscious and present?

Please Comment



In peace and gratitude,


Founder of Success-full-living.com

An online community for self-growth and inner peace. Please take a moment and come chat.

Ariel Harris successful-living.comAbout the Author

Hello, I am Ariel. After a long illness, I taught myself how to walk again. So here I am jumping into vibrancy. I am an artist, writer and believer in the positive, and a grandmother. My belief in the Yes We Can mindset, has opened the gates to living in possibility.

I live my life co-creating with the universe, rich in love, compassion, grace and consciousness.  Knowing, that we are all connected and willing to be of service, is a source of great peace and joy.

I am the founder of two websites. Success-full-living.com and yeswecancreatewealth.com.  I look forward to connecting with you.

Follow Ariel on:

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What is the Key to Success in Life to me?

My answer is very close to Ariel’s answer. To me, it’s consciously choosing happiness.  In each moment. In each choice we make. Taking full responsibility for our own happiness.

What is the Key to Success in Life to YOU?  We would love to know.  Please join in the conversation below. 

8 thoughts on “What is the Key to Success in Life?”

  1. Hi there,
    I have enjoyed immensely, your post on positive living and the keys to success. There are a lot of key points on your tick list and each and every one of them is as important as the next.
    I firmly believe in these positive thinking books as I have read a lot of these over the years. ‘The power of positive thinking’, by Norman Vincent Peale and a lot more, of which they are along the same lines.
    I firmly believe that a positive attitude will get us a long way in life, if we can accquire this by any means, even through reading these brilliant success orientated books, just like the ones you have reviewed here on this article.
    Many thanks for the great review,
    Cheers PB

    1. Hi Phil, Thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed. Oh yes!  I definitely should have added a positive attitude to my list of keys to success. Thank you for that wonderful addition. The Power of Positive Thinking was also one of the first books I read and I still have a copy on my book shelf. The very first life changing book I read was Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People  and that’s what started me on this journey to self and self-improvement.

      This wasn’t actually a book review but interesting that you thought it was because I firmly believe Ariel Harris will write a book on Conscious Living soon.  I’ll make sure to notify her of your comment.

    2. Hello Phil, I think you are so right. Being and living in the positive is exactly how we can create a life that is full of joy and love. Thank you for your very kind remarks. And for suggesting this as a book. I will definitely work on that! I hope your world is filled with joy. In peace and gratitude, ariel

  2. Wow, this post is so inspirational and uplifting. I too am a firm believer in positive thinking thanks to all the reading I’ve done on the Law of Attraction.

    Sometimes I forget that it’s not money I’m chasing, but freedom to be who I am and do what I want to do with my life. I love how you say money is just another energetic exchange. It’s so true. We’re the ones who give it any value.

    Thanks for sharing this. It truly came at the right moment and I’m so happy I just happened to stumble across your website.

    All the best,


  3. Dear Michael,
    So many thanks for stopping by and commenting!
    I really hear what you are saying. And honor your journey. I think the process of living in this life is finally letting go of all that we think is externally important. That way we leave room for what is truly internally important.

    And knowing we have that choice and power to determine how we want to be is incredibly freeing, don’t you think? It leaves so much more space for living in the moment and happiness.

    I wish you great joy in your exploration. When we are in that space of truly knowing our own hearts, the flow of our world is just lovely. And the best part is, we have given the best gift ever to ourselves and the world. Authenticity, and love, the gift of self.

    Enjoy this journey, hope we talk again soon.
    In peace and gratitude, ariel

  4. Your article is jam-packed. I will have to digest all this interesting information over a night or two. Your article is very well researched and written in a simple to understand format.
    This is my success formula:
    Time + Tremendous Effort = Success and Satisfaction.

    1. Hello Roy, So many thanks for taking the time to stop by. I am so glad you did. I would really like to hear what you think after you have had some time to digest it. Thank you for sharing your success formula. In peace and gratitude, ariel

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