
Building Your Blogging Brand Through Marketing

Building Your Blogging Brand Through Marketing

Blogging is one of those things that draws attention from so many people. The reason for that is that there is a little something for everyone when it comes to writing a blog; you can build up an advice website or you can just be adding your voice to a topic you are passionate about. 

The trick is getting people to read your blog and that is easier said than done. There are a few ways that you can attempt to draw in new readers and we will take a look at those options here.

Blogging Brand_pin

Digital Marketing

You might not consider a marketing campaign to be something that is essential to you, especially if you’re happy having a relatively small blog. However, knowing how to promote your blog is the key to getting readers to your site in the first place and is critical to anyone considering making some cash from their work. 

Here are two examples of digital marketing and how you can utilize them.


    Search engine optimization (SEO) is the name given to the process of improving your website’s online visibility, primarily through the organic results of search engines. 

    What it means is that you will customize your website to the needs of the algorithms that search engines use to determine the rankings of their results. There are many ways that you can introduce SEO from applying keyword research to ensuring your content is of high-quality and encourages dwell time.

    Social Media

      Blogging itself is just another form of social media but we tend to think of it as separate from the likes of Facebook and Twitter. 

      However, in order to build up a readership you will need to make the most of social media channels. This will include finding where your potential readers are discussing the themes that your blog addresses and taking part in that conversation. 

      Build up followers on the social media sites and then convert them into readers of your blog.


      The final thing that we are going to recommend is to be certain that your website is personalized to what you want your brand to be. You might want to take inspiration from other bloggers and the expectations of their readers. If you think about the websites you use, you will quickly notice the patterns between the different genres. 

      For example, while Facebook and Twitter both have distinct brandings, they also have built their sites on very similar bases. That is because social media users have a general expectation of what sites should look like and anything outside of the area can be jarring.

      Branding is incredibly important to any blog that is looking to improve its outreach. The reason for this is that it will help you when it comes to using social media and other methods of promotions. 

      Once again, depending on the topic you are discussing you will have inspiration to draw from others; you can see this happening across every industry from law firms ( to movie reviews.

      Photo by LUM3N from Pixabay        

      Are you using digital marketing and personalisation to build your blogging brand?

      1 thought on “Building Your Blogging Brand Through Marketing”

      1. creative way to describe how to build blogging brand through marketing i suggest you to also add new marketing trend or extend this piece of content by including new and upcoming marketing trends

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