Can You Really Make Money on Wealthy Affiliate? YES. I have PROOF. Read more at:

Can You Really Make Money on Wealthy Affiliate? YES. Here’s Proof.

So let’s see… maybe you’re where I was a couple of years ago. Maybe you’re surfing the net looking for ways to make money online. And you’ve stumbled upon a few Wealthy Affiliate reviews like I did.

You think it sounds like a good idea, but you’re just not sure yet because no-one seems to be answering the burning question…

Can You Really Make Money on Wealthy Affiliate?

So I’m going to answer this question for you right upfront.

The answer is YES.

YES, You Can Make Money on Wealthy Affiliate

How can I be so sure?

Because I’ve made money on Wealthy Affiliate.  As have many other Members.

You can have a look at my first two income reports if you need proof.

Income Report 1

Income Report 2

Now don’t laugh. I know $500 or $600 a month isn’t fortunes.

And I know it wasn’t the fastest business growth I’ve ever experienced as an Entrepreneur.  I hit my highest month as a Digital Entrepreneur when I made over $1000 in January 2021.

But bear with me here.

YES! You really Can Make Money on Wealthy Affiliate. I have Proof. Read on. #WealthyAffiliate #AffiliateMarketing #AffiliateReview Wealthy Affiliate is Not a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme

So if you’re looking to make a fast buck, I wouldn’t recommend you go the Wealthy Affiliate route.

Having said that, I’ve only found a few ethical ways to make fast bucks online but they weren’t dependable ways. They weren’t sustainable, long-term, pay-the-bills-monthly kind of ways.

They were 5 Bucks here, 20 Bucks there… I made 50 Bucks once doing Website Testing for Userlytics (as described in my first Income Report). And that was easy money. I thought I was in the money!  I was so excited!

Only to find it was a once-off.  I’ve never made another 50 Bucks with them again.  I’ve only done one other Test for them and it was months later and they only paid me $25 this time.  This is still great considering how little time it took me, but like I said, not sustainable. I can’t live on $25 or even $50 a year.

And then there are a lot of Online Scams offering Quick, Easy Money but when I’ve looked into those I’m never prepared to do what they require me to do because well, it just seems sleazy.  You know, those companies that tell you to go make purchases and then cancel them a few days later.  I just can’t do that kind of thing.  It doesn’t seem ethical to me.

Affiliate Disclaimer: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

So How Do You Make Money on Wealthy Affiliate?

The simple answer is you make money on Wealthy Affiliate by learning how to create your own website(s) and then monetizing them.

To answer that question properly, I’ll ask and answer another one first.

What is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is an Online University that teaches you how to build your own website or websites and monetize them.  Wealthy Affiliate is set up by these two guys, Kyle and Carson:

Wealthy Affiliate Founders Kyle and Carson

Their Step-by-Step Success Formula looks like this:

Wealthy Affiliate Formula

And you’ll learn how to do this in their very first Online Certification Training, which, by the way, is available Free to Starter Members.

You can Sign Up Free Here

Let’s Talk About Timing

I found Step 1, Choosing an Interest the easiest part. I already knew what I wanted to blog about.  If you have an existing business or passion you’d like to write about, this should be quick and easy for you too.

Step 2, Building a Website, was relatively quick and easy for me too. Kyle shows exactly how to do this in the first Online Certification Course. you set up the framework of your website in his training and even create your first couple of pages: Your About Me Page and Privacy Policy Page and write your first post.

Step 3, Attracting Visitors, is the Step that usually takes the longest time (unless of course, you’re already someone famous, with a huge social following clamouring to hear your every word), it’s going to take some time to write enough rich content to build a loyal following, i.e. Traffic to your site.

Kyle teaches you how to access organic traffic, which simply means visitors finding your site when they are searching for something on Google, Bing or Yahoo (or any of the Search Engines).  This is where Keyword Research comes inMore about that later.

Step 4, Earning Revenue.

Kyle compares the Two Main Ways to Make Money with Your Website, namely:

  1. Advertising
  2. Affiliate Marketing

And teaches you how to set these up.

Although Affiliate Marketing is the main way Kyle recommends earning revenue from a website, there are also tons of other ways to earn money that you will learn along the way (and I’ll touch on some of these later).

What Exactly Do You Learn about Monetizing a Site?

Oh so, so much.

In Kyle’s Online Certification Training and Affiliate Bootcamp, you’ll learn:

  • How to find and join Affiliate Programs
  • How to find Affiliate Networks
  • How to add Affiliate Links to Your Pages and Posts
  • How to gain instant access to MILLIONS of products to sell
  • How to leverage Product Reviews
  • How to Get Paid for Ads on Your Site
  • How to Set up your first PPC Campaign
  • How to Scale Successful PPC Campaigns

And more… so much more.  Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t just teach you how to make money, it also offers you ways to make money.  Here are 3 more ways you can make money on Wealthy Affiliate.

Further Ways to Make Money on Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate also offers a few others way to earn as well, namely:

  1. They have their own Affiliate Program where you can excellent commission either monthly or annually.
  2. They also own Jaaxy and Jaaxy also has an Affiliate Program where you can earn excellent commission.
  3. Through their Open Education Project, you can earn money by creating popular tutorials.

1. Wealthy Affiliate’s Affiliate Program

On top of teaching how to succeed with well-known Affiliate Programs such as Amazon, Clickbank etc, Wealthy Affiliate also has its very own lucrative Affiliate Program.

Know nothing about Affiliate Marketing? Don’t worry, Wealthy Affiliate has got you covered. Kyle teaches you how to make money step-by-step in Affiliate Bootcamp.

Even Starter Members (Members who sign up free) are able to take the first Phase of Affiliate Bootcamp and are entitled to the following commission.

  • Starter Members earn $ 4 for the first month when one of their Referrals goes Premium ($ 19)
  • Starter Members earn $ 11.75 every month thereafter for their Premium Referrals ($ 49)
  • Starter Members earn $ 117.50 a year when one of their Referrals opts to go Yearly ($ 495)
  • Starter Members earn $ 23.25 a month for monthly Premium Plus referrals ($ 99)
  • Starter Members earn $ 232.50 a year for yearly Premium Plus referrals ($ 995)

Premium Members earn double what Starter Members earn:

  • Premium Members earn $ 1 for every new referral who joins and completes their profile
  • Premium Members earn $ 8 for the first month when one of their Referrals goes Premium ($ 19)
  • Premium Members earn $ 23.50 every month thereafter for their Premium Referrals ($ 49)
  • Premium Members earn $ 235 per year when one of their Referrals opts to go Yearly ($ 495)
  • Premium Members earn $ 46.50 a month for monthly Premium Plus referrals ($ 99)
  • Premium Members earn $ 465 a year for yearly Premium Plus referrals ($ 995)

I created the little spreadsheet below to illustrate these figures:

So essentially, if you are very risk-averse or have no money to put down at all, you could:

  • Join as a Free Starter Member
  • Complete the First Online Certification Course
  • Complete the first Phase of Affiliate Bootcamp
  • Build a Free Website (you get a free Siterubix website on Starter Membership)
  • And EARN the Commission to pay for your first month or two at Wealthy Affiliate

This works especially well if you market offline as well as online (i.e. if you have friends who are keen to build their own websites too and jump in with you).

Think how excited you’ll be when your first website is up… and remember Enthusiasm sells.  If you show your website to someone you know has been considering setting up their own website, they may just buy in.

2. Jaaxy

Jaaxy is a brilliant Keyword, Niche Research and SiteRank Tool.  Read more about Jaaxy here.

I use Jaaxy for every single post I publish, whether it’s a guest post, contributed post or my own.

Jaaxy is a tool many bloggers use even if they are not members of Wealthy Affiliate and therefore it has a stand-alone website as well.

The awesome thing is, there is a Free Version of Jaaxy for Wealthy Affiliate Premium Members, Jaaxy Lite, which is perfect when you’re just starting out.  There are two elite versions of Jaaxy. Jaaxy Pro and Jaaxy Enterprise.

More good news is that Jaaxy these are available at Half-Price for Premium Members and Jaaxy Enterprise is free to Premium Plus Members of Weathy Affiliate.

3. The Open Education Project

Once you’ve been a Member of WA for 3 months you can start sharing your own knowledge by adding your own Tutorials or Video Training.

You can earn ongoing income this way.  Wealthy Affiliate pays you based on how many people have read or watched your entire training, liked it, commented on it and how responsive to are you to comments and questions.

Bottom line:  The more popular your Training is, the more is you earn.

This is how Wealthy Affiliate has landed up with an incredible bank of Training, other than the official courses. I even have a few Tutorials of my own (been a bit slack, I know).

My most popular tutorial by far is this one: How to Earn Money from Blogs (before you have significant traffic)

Are there other ways to make money with a website?

Sure. There are plenty of ways.  Once you have built an Authority website, you have a valuable asset.

Here 10 more ways you can make money with your website:

  1. Sponsored Posts
  2. Paid Guest Posting 
  3. Paid Membership to Your Site
  4. Sell Advertising Space
  5. Pay Per Click Advertising
  6. Sell your own eBooks
  7. Sell your own Courses
  8. E-Commerce (sell your own products online) – See my RedBubble Store
  9. Flip Websites (or sell your site once it has some Authority)
  10. Create a Paid Business Directory Page

And you can learn how to do all this in Wealthy Affiliate.  Remember, other than the core training, there are also thousands of tutorials added by Wealthy Affiliate Members, many of whom are experts in their field.

You also are learning valuable skills you can market

You might find, for example, that you actually love the first bit you learn at Wealthy Affiliate – creating the framework of a website and that’s a skill you can market.  I made a few bucks this way when a friend of mine wanted a very simple website created for her Playschool.

Here are a few skills you might learn while you’re building your own site, that others will pay you to do for them.  You can sell these skills on freelance websites like Fiverr or Upwork or to your friends.

Marketable Skills

  1. Content Writing
  2. Website Development
  3. SEO Services
  4. Keyword Research
  5. Digital Marketing
  6. Social Media Management
  7. Online Training (eg. Udemy)
  8. Designing Images for Social Media
  9. Email Marketing
  10. Copywriting
  11. Editing
  12. Proofreading

Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories

There are many members of Wealthy Affiliate who are earning money doing all kinds of things online.

I’ll highlight 5 Wealthy Affiliate Success Stories:

1. Steve of I’ve Tried That

I discovered Wealthy Affiliate when I read a review post about Steve of I’ve Tried That and so I’m actually one of his referrals. Here are a couple of his popular posts on WA:

Earnings Report: Here’s How I Made $8,871.03 from Blogging in May 2019

2. Nathaniell Brenes of One More Cup of Coffee

Here are some of my favourite posts by Nathaniell of One More Cup of Coffee.

Your First Website Doesn’t Have to be a Home Run

How $0.01 Turns Into $2178.10

3. Lynne Huysamen – Kaboutjie

Lynne Huysamen of Kaboutjie is making Thousands of Dollars a month with Sponsored Posts and Paid Guest Posting opportunities. She has also received a free washing machine and microwave to review for sponsored post opportunities.

Perks of Blogging – Free Stuff

4. Janelle B.M. aka Cashed Up Nomad

Janelle of the Cashed Up Nomad just used all the knowledge she gained at Wealthy Affiliate to sell a really big ticket item online, a Catamaran.  Don’t miss her awesome post:

I Sold a Very Big Ticket Item On My Website – hundreds of thousands of buckeroonies! 

I took a screenshot of the Pricing page as Janelle said she will be taking this website down soon, now that the Catamaran it has been sold.

As you can see below, it was priced at $212,000 AUD Negotiable (am not sure of the price the buyer settled on).

Janelle Sold a Big Ticket Item Online using knowledge gained at Wealthy Affiliate





5. Chris Myles aka Benji’s Dad

Chris Myles is a popular YouTuber who started out at Wealthy Affiliate. You can find him at Benji’s Dad.

I’m doing his Premium Plus classes on building a lucrative YouTube channel and they are awesome.

Chris also has a successful blog and is a Super Affiliate at WA,  here’s his most recent Vegas experience.

Las Vegas 2020 WA Super Affiliate Conference: A REAL Eye-Opener

More Success Stories

Here’s another great post showing Proof Of Income by Wealthy Affiliate Members. Don’t miss the Featured Comment.

Comment Here if You’ve Made $500 – Don’t miss the Featured Comment and the Comments by Loes and Marion Black about how much they earn from their Tutorials via The Open Education Project.

Wealthy Affiliate Overview

  • Name: Wealthy Affiliate
  • Owners: Kyle and Carson
  • Website:
  • Price: Starter Member – Free,
  • Premium Member – $49 per month or $359 per year

Wealthy Affiliate Rankings

  1. Training: 10 out of 10
  2. Support: 10 out 10
  3. Website Builder:  10 out of 10
  4. Research Tools: 9 out of 10
  5. Site Comments Tool: 10 out 10
  6. Site Feedback Tool: 9 out of 10
  7. Site Content Editor: 10 out of 10
  8. Managed WordPress Hosting9 out of 10
  9. Site Support: 10 out of 10
  10. Success Stories: 10 out of 10

My Overall Ranking of Wealthy Affiliate:  98/100

Over to You

I’d love your comments below. Have you made money with Wealthy Affiliate?  

Or are you ready to give it your best shot?

Join Today

27 thoughts on “Can You Really Make Money on Wealthy Affiliate? YES. Here’s Proof.”

  1. This is great! I can testify to the training in Wealthy Affiliate. It is fun and exciting! Thank you for posting those extra links about writing blogs. I’ll have to check those out!

  2. great article
    making money online can be tricky
    but your article gives a very clear vision about wealthy affiliate
    good work

  3. I’m in my first 3 months at Wealthy Affiliate and so I’m glad I came across your website. I can see there is a process and reason to keep moving forward. I’m especially interested in your information about guest posts. I’m going to need to research that more. Thanks for all the great information!

  4. Hi Lauren,

    Great post! You cover just about every single thing you need to succeed on Wealthy Affiliate. I love the way you cover it all in depth and make sure people know the ins and outs and the fact that you can make great money on wealthy affiliate if you put your mind to it and really put in the work and time.

    I have been a member for just over 15 months now and starting to see real results. Its a great place to learn and implement. Thanks again for a really in depth post,


    1. Thanks a million, Kev. Ooh, that’s exciting!! Will I be featuring your results in my next post? Tell me more. As soon as I get a moment I’ll pop over to your site to check out what you’ve been up to.

  5. Really well thought out, user-friendly and visually stunning; your article superbly captures the true nature of online marketing and affiliate marketing. I actually had some thoughts about how I would advertise the Wealthy Affiliate brand and they looked a little like this. As someone interested in this online venture and after reading this I feel even more confident that I made the right choice by choosing WA!


  6. Hi Lauren,

    You’ve outlined about everything under the sun that an online marketer needs to know in this article. Very impressive and detailed piece. I learned a lot here and I’m sure others will too. I joined Wealthy Affiliate because they are very genuine and upfront about the fact this isn’t a “get rich quick scheme” and how it takes hard work and dedication to become an online marketer.
    I will bookmark this for future reference.
    Thank you so much for this information, Brad

    1. Hi Brad, you are so right. That’s one of the reasons I joined Wealthy Affiliate too. With so many scams on the net, it’s such a breath of fresh air to find guys as genuine as Kyle and Carson offering so much VALUE. Wishing you all the best.

  7. Thanks for the informative, creative, engaging and helpful post, Lauren! Kudos for analyzing the several earning potentials at Wealthy Affiliate! You really illustrated the great ways to maximize revenue through the WA affiliate program, selling advertising spaces, website flipping and lots more.

    I so much cherished and learned some great money making tips as no one is an embodiment of knowledge. It’s great to see the great work you’ve been doing so far on your blog and to learn awesome blogging tips from your desk. Thanks for this awesome post!

    Wish you breakthroughs,
    Israel Olatunji

    1. Thanks a million for your enthusiastic response, Israel. So happy to hear you found the post so useful. You are most welcome. Wishing you all the best as you grow your online business too.

  8. Very interesting to learn about the success of other Wealthy Affiliate members! Great article and good information here as well. I haven’t made money yet but my website has only been here for 6 months and I haven’t invested much of my time in the money scheme. Anyway, best wishes to you and your website!

  9. First of all, this is the most detailed WA review I have seen. I have been with WA for only two months but I just finished all of the training yesterday and I have already created 22 posts. I feel like I am doing great.
    The information you provided here is invaluable for new affiliate marketers.
    I know we have to have patience, but I am not a patient personality. I want success now. I am a little more patient now that I am retired so, I will continue with WA because I see it will be very successful, eventually.
    Do you use Social Jukebox and do you recommend it for a relatively new affiliate marketer?

    1. Lauren Kinghorn

      Hi Curtis, Thanks for the compliment. I don’t use Social Jukebox but I will look into it so I can give you a better answer. 

  10. Holy cow! I think this has to be the most detailed and thorough review of Wealthy Affiliate I have ever read (and when I was doing my research about WA I read LOTS). I really appreciate your dedication to providing your readers with as much relevant information as possible.

    I have to say, if I wasn’t already a member myself…you’d have me convinced for sure! The fact that you have so much to write about is a testament to how wonderful Wealthy Affiliate really is.
    My personal favorite features are the community itself (all that training is priceless!) and Jaaxy. Keyword research made so, so easy!

    I hope lots of would-be online entrepreneurs find this WA review, as it has literally everything you need to know, all in one convenient place!

    Keep up the awesome work 🙂

  11. Hi Lauren,
    I think a lot of people are now turning their entrepreneurial skills towards online business. Affiliate marketing will be one of them. Affiliate marketing allows you to work from home and any other place as long as there is the Internet. Though like any other business, it requires time to get things rolling.
    Wealthy Affiliate is a great learning platform that will hold your hand during your learning process. The platform has everything you need to start your own business. I am a great fan of it and will recommend it to anybody who would like to be successful in that area.

  12. An absolutely brilliant review of Wealthy Affiliate.
    You have got lots of great information here and it was really good reading it all.
    I will now go back through and look at some of the links you have posted as a few of them caught my eye and look like they will also make very interesting reading.

  13. Hello Lauren, great WA review I say!!! I have completed the Online Certification Courses, and is currently building out my website within the sneaker niche. There are still tons of things that I am still learning about the online business within WA. It is always a joy to learn something new everyday!! I wish you nothing but success. 🙂

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