How to Get More Sales of

How to Get More Sales of Your Services

I recently delivered my Business Networking Talk at The Sales Summit in Cape Town. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the room with a group of Salespeople and the energy was amazing.  It was much more interactive than when I delivered the same talk at Entrepreneurs Indaba the week before.

Perhaps because Entrepreneurs aren’t always Salespeople.  Although Entrepreneurs and small business owners have to wear many hats, not all hats fit them.

That’s why it’s really worth considering hiring professional salespeople to close your deals or outsourcing some of your sales processes to companies who specialise in parts of the sales process.

As a small business owner, you have 3 options:

  1. Upskill – go for Sales Training
  2. Hire Salespeople
  3. Outsource to Specialists or Specialist Companies

But how do you identify which option is best? Here’s where I would start.

Are you in the Service Industry? Sales might not be your bag. Here's how to convert more prospects into clients. #howtogetmoresalesof #serviceindustry #leadhandling #leadconversionIdentify Your Weak Spots

If you’re still a one-woman-band, this means being honest with yourself. Ever done a SWOT analysis on yourself? Your PERSONAL strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats?

I’ve been working with a Health Coach for the last 11 weeks and I’m doing my second SWOT analysis now, just before my final session.  It’s illuminating.

The trick is not to let your ego get in the way. This is not the time to criticise or berate yourself for things that don’t come naturally to you.

No woman is an island 

The only way you’ll find your flow and scale your business is to focus on the areas that need improving and find ways to improve on them.

Though constant self-improvement is the name of the game, sometimes personal growth requires letting go of the reins in certain areas and handing them over to experts in their field.

Let’s look at one example.

Lead Handling

Consider using a specialist company like Pronexis for appointment setting and lead handling.

Pronexis has proven they increase sales conversions.

Doesn’t this short video instil tremendous confidence in the company?

Closing the Sale

And then there’s that all important part of the sales process – the close.

Some salespeople thrive on closing. They can sell ice to an Eskimo. The can convert any prospect into a client.  Close any deal, any time. If that’s you, fantastic. This is one part of the sales process you should not outsource.

But maybe, like me, you prefer networking and relationship building, the happy, fluffy, friendly parts of the sales process. Where nobody gets hurt. 😉

This is particularly true of the services industry. People who love to serve their customers seldom like to sell to customers. Right?

If you know you struggle to ask for the order, it’s time to move aside and let the professionals do it.

It’s really worth hiring someone (or a sales team) who specialises in closing deals. And the amazing thing is, top sales closers are happy to work on a commission basis because they know they can deliver the goods.

Salespeople and sales systems don’t cost you money, they make you money.

What’s Your Next Step?

So… how are you going to up your game?  How will you get more sales of your services?

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