How to Step Up and Stand Out Georgia Varjas Style

How to Step Up and Stand Out with Confidence, Courage and Creativity

Georgia Varjas is the bestselling author of “The Rule Breakers Guide To Step Up & Stand Out” and “Rule It! How To Step Up & Stand Out”.

In our recent interview, she divulges how she developed her 3 C’s – Confidence, Courage and Creativity during her career in showbiz and how you can use them in your life.

How to Step Up and Stand Out Georgia-Varjas-Style

How to Step Up and Stand Out with Courage Confidence Creativity

Georgia:  I think my experiences in showbiz, but particularly in the music business gave me these three very powerful words, which I write about and speak about and are in my books:

  1. Confidence
  2. Courage
  3. Creativity 

I call them the three big C’s. 

Being in the music business, you had to be confident. You’re going to go up on stage and you’re going to play from your heart sometimes from memory, but mostly improvised. 

So you had to have confidence. You had to have courage and you had to be creative with it. 

And so there were very big lessons in life, not just doing my art, my music, but also communicating with people in show business in the music business. Cause it was tough as a woman.  It was very much part of my life to develop these wonderful three big C’s as my skills.

Lauren Kinghorn: Would you like to give us three tips that you would give a young fempreneur, woman entrepreneur, who is just starting out, how to step up and really shine.

Georgia Varjas:  I think one of the most important things is to recognize that we have two fabulous communication tools available our voice and our pen.

Georgia Varjas is the bestselling author of The Rule Breakers Guide To Step Up & Stand Out. In this interview, she gives 3 best tips on how to step up and stand out. #howto #stepup #standout #interview I encourage young women to develop that confidence, the courage and the creativity to use their voice and their pen to:

  • spread their message
  • their point of view
  • their expertise
  • their experience
  • their wisdom
  • their knowledge

Use these powerful tools and learn to redefine confidence for yourself.

Because for women, it is quite different, especially courage. Courage is not about Spider-Man and firemen. It’s about how we as women define our own type of bravery. It’s not about saving lives. It’s a very special thing. And I think women need to really redefine that.

Creativity, yes, we are very creative but we can also think creatively and that is a powerful message for young women.

I think the second tip I would offer is about decision-making. We’re not really taught or encouraged to make big decisions in our life. We make little ones like what we should wear and what we should drink and which road and bus to take.

But the big decisions in life, we often hesitate and turn to other people for expert advice. When we know if we tuned into ourselves and learned to make good decisions for ourselves, had more self-confidence, courage, and creativity, we would make better decisions and stronger decisions and recognize that we have the ability to do that.

And the third thing is very much about self-belief and self-love and bigging yourself up. 

Some cultures frown upon boasting and showing off when you’re talking about yourself, but self-love and self-belief are crucial.

Nature does it all the time, she shows her most beautiful colours. Why shouldn’t we?

And when you’re selling something, you’re going to sell it in its most beautiful and perfect condition. So why shouldn’t we be showing and sharing our talents and skills in the most positive way? 

So confidence, courage, creativity.

You can find the rest of this interview over on Fempreneurs Unite

And more below…

Lauren: What do you do for a living? 

Georgia: I am a Book Writing Coach

Lauren: What is your zone of genius?

Georgia: Helping my clients see their genius and the bigger picture.  My USP is I have experience in many genres.

Lauren: How did you come up with the idea?

Georgia: It was staring me in the face! 

I have been writing plays, poems, short stories, scripts for speakers MC’s and myself and of course, I have published 4 books and contributed to 6 anthologies.

Lauren: What has been the number one highlight of your career? 

Georgia:  So many. 

As a creative person, I have moved from writing and producing plays to spending many years as a professional saxophone player and as a  Spoken Word artist.

I loved the music business, I loved my Spoken Word career and now watching writers turn into satisfied and fulfilled authors is just as exhilarating for me.

Lauren: What has been the greatest challenge for you to overcome in your career?

Georgia:  The glass ceiling


Lauren: Do you have any daily rituals to maintain a work-life balance?

Georgia:  I can’t sit for too long. I have to get up and move my energy.

Either I walk around the garden and snip a few plants, or do some stretches, lunges or downward dogs…dance a little and even do a household chore.

Lauren: Do you have a message you would like the world to hear?

Georgia:  Several! Our voice and our pen are our 2 most powerful tools of communication. Grab your confidence, courage and creativity and use them.

Lauren: Is there a book that has had huge significance or meaning in your life?

Georgia:  I re-read and dip into Danielle LaPorte White Hot Truth 

Because she is discerning and not judgemental, she has humour and experience and shares generously. She talks about the paradoxes of wisdom and I wrote about them a lot myself in my books. Use And instead of But.

She says…Don’t just get what you want, BE what you want.

I like that!

Lauren: What advice would you give someone just starting out as an entrepreneur? 

Georgia Varjas is the bestselling author of The Rule Breakers Guide To Step Up & Stand Out. In this interview, she gives 3 fab tips on how to step up and stand out.Georgia:  Keep learning and listening and turn all your mistakes into future fun stories.

Lauren: Is there anything you wish you knew when you started out as an entrepreneur?

Georgia: Not to be scared of tech stuff!!!

Lauren: What have you gained by becoming an entrepreneur?

Georgia:  I realise that the more I learn, the more I have to learn and that gives me the energy to grow.

And, I believe it is super important for women to be financially independent.

Lauren: Who has been enormously helpful to you? 

Georgia: My VA!

Honestly, all the amazing things she does behind the scenes for me!

I have always loved working in a team, so first credit goes to all team members paid and unpaid.

And people often come into your life just at the time you need more guidance or knowledge.

Lauren: Do you have mentors in business?

Georgia: With all the member groups and networking events online, I have been involved in I have come across some wonderful brainstorming sessions…these people, mostly women are my real mentors.

Lauren: Are there any courses or studies you feel have been essential to your success? 

Georgia:  Having first hand and recent experience as a writer and author has given me essential professional knowledge and wisdom for teaching and training new authors.

Also, the Women’s Writers Circle, which is a group program I run for women writing their first book.

It is absolutely inspirational to me, not just how they support each other but how they offer their best wisdom to each other too! 

Book a Virtual Seat on Georgia’s Women’s Writers Circle

Work with Georgia Varjas

Lauren:  If there was any way I could help you, what it would it be? 

Georgia:  I think you already are Lauren.

When we give generously and share our platforms with each other, you never know who is going to benefit from hearing or reading what you offer.

Lauren: Who is your target market? If I were to give you a referral, who would I be looking for? 

Georgia:  Women (or men)  with a message to share, with expertise, experience and wisdom that could really make a difference to someone else’s life.

And of course a few good stories.

How to Step Up and Stand Out – Working with Georgia Varjas

Georgia has two Coaching packages available for those who are ready to write their books.

    1. The Premium Package, a 12-week one-on-one book writing program
    2. The Women’s Writers Circle- an 8-week group program.

Visit Georgia’s Website

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If you’re ready to write your book, schedule a free book planning call with Georgia.

Schedule a Call with Georgia

Enjoyed this interview? 

Check out our previous featured digital entrepreneur, Elizabeth Batalla and Learn How to Level Up Fast

13 thoughts on “How to Step Up and Stand Out with Confidence, Courage and Creativity”

  1. Hi Lauren, I really like your interview with Georgia and the message you guys deliver during the process. One fascinating topic I find in the content is about how to shine out from the crowd for young entrepreneur woman. I think every women could relate to this point no matter which part of the world they’re from. Standing out as an entrepreneur is already hard enough but to be a woman too is even more difficult especially when society is still holding some gender stereotype beliefs. I’d love to hear more contents from you guys on this topic and thank for giving us such a great article!

    1. Oh yes, I agree, Lucas, standing out as an entrepreneur and especially a woman entrepreneur is not easy and this is exactly why Georgia’s books and coaching is so vitally important.  No point in having a brilliant story to tell and never getting it out to the world.

    2. Thanks so much Lucas for listening in and it is great you found some inspiration too.
      It is still extra tough for women to be heard, understood and believed but every step youtake, every little action you take counts. So keep giving your best.

  2. Excellent article. Very deep.
    much to assimilate.
    A mentor of mine said that when you get to meet something essential in your readings, you have to: “Assimilate everything!”
    That’s the word here.
    An eminent student said he reads twice, the second time for recapitulation and retention, and I have to do the same now.
    I am glad that I met this wonderful thing and that I can follow a real creator.

    1. Hi Vasile, thank you for tuning in. It is true, the more we rehearse, the more we edit and add or subtract – we make what we want to say and write better. Keep doing what you are doing it will bring you the rewards you seek.

  3. Hi Lauren,

    This is not just for women alone, in fact I have benefited from your advice and I am more than determined to work with the 3Cs. Reading this article makes me see the big picture and I will creatively use my skills. I love it when you said courage is not about spider man or super man, but how we define it for our selves. It is about what you make of it in your mind 

    1. What a great point. You are right of course, it’s not just women who struggle to step up and stand out and it’s not just women who hit a glass ceiling.  I agree Georgia’s advice is relevant to everyone.

  4. Hey what a great article! I believe women definitely need to stand up more for themselves. Courage is definitely worth building on. I would love to stand out even if that means breaking the rules however my confidence is letting me down majorly. I would have loved to act or sing if allowed. confidence, courage and creativity are something that I need more of, like you stated they are important!

    The questions and answers are interesting and you can learn a lot from them!

    1. Aw, Sariyah, so sorry to hear your confidence is letting you down. I hope you get your hands on Georgia’s book and live your dream to act or sing.  

      Interesting that you mention these specific talents because you reminded me that I also had a similar dream many years ago. I used to watch Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies and pictured myself one day acting, singing and dancing like them. I’m not sure if I shelved those dreams entirely or if they just morphed into public speaking. 

    2. Hi Sariyah, Don’t give up, keep on working on your confidence, keep re-defining it for yourself. And thank you for viewing the interview, I have realised that the more I learn, the more I have to learn. You will find your balance I am sure.

  5. Hey, Lauren what an inspiring read for women, and men I might add. What struck me the most about your interview with Georgia is that as a woman you do not need to adhere to preset rules and expectations of what or who you should be. 

    Your clarion call to women to create new models that do not necessarily look like ‘spiderman’ but are new vehicles or symbols or characters of empowerment, is well heard. A woman’s destiny is determined by having the confidence and courage to let her creativity shine. 

    Additionally, leveraging the power of mentors and having assistance, like a VA, are all also wonderful ways to support this journey to greater self-expression. With success comes more confidence and growth as you assert. 

    1. Thanks so much for adding your voice and your empowering thoughts to this article, Hugh. Your support is much appreciated.

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