I am an infinite being - Morning Pep Talk


I am an infinite being in an infinite universe.

I have infinite possibilities and infinite opportunities.

I am infinitely capable of taking those opportunities in both hands.


I live life with open arms.
I live life with an open heart.
I live life with an open mind.
I am open.

Morning Pep Talk _ I am an infinite beingI am infinite.

I live in an infinite universe.

I am an infinite being.

I am infinitely capable of having the life of my dreams.

I can choose differently today than I chose yesterday.

I have infinite possibilities at my disposal.

I have infinite opportunities coming my way.

Just like the infinite grains of sand on the beach, I know that there is infinite abundance available to me now.

I can take anything I choose.

I can share the light and love that I have.

I have so much love in my heart to share.

I have so much light in my soul to give to this world.

I can be the light.

Just by my smile, I can make people smile.

I can influence others around me.

My love has impact.

The light and joy that I have inside me impacts those around me.

I am an influencer.

I am unstoppable.

I am capable of moving mountains in my life.

I am a sunshine being and people love to be around me.

People love my energy.
They love the energy that I give out because I’m smiling, I’m laughing.

I share my sunshine spirit with this world.

I am here for others.

I am grateful.

I am thankful.
I notice all the things I have.

I can experience all my senses.
I can smell, I can touch, I can taste I can feel.
I can hear all the things around me, the birds tweeting and the wind moving.
I can see the beauty that is around me.

I am a giver.

I give to those around me and they feel this wonderful energy that I have to give.

I know that what I’m giving and who I’m being is making an impact on the world just by who I’m being.

Just by being light and being love and being joyful.
People feel that.
They feel my lightheartedness, they hear my love, they see my smile.

And as I give of my best, as my joy radiates out into the world, people feel that and it affects them.
It affects their day.
It helps them feel more light-hearted, it helps them feel more joyful.

And that is one of my superpowers.

I have superpowers.

I can create magic and miracles wherever I go.
I see magic and miracle wherever I go.
I am grateful for the magic and miracles I see.

I could choose to look at different things.
I could choose to look at what I don’t like, but I don’t.
I choose to look at the things I do like.
I choose to look at the magic and miracles that are coming my way all the time.

I choose to look at the possibilities.

I choose to look at the lighter side of life.

I choose to look at the joy that is coming my way.

I choose to look at the sunshine.

I choose to feel the rain on my skin.

I choose happiness because I get to choose that. I have control over my thoughts or my feelings.

I get to choose whether I’m going to have a good day or a bad day.

And as I wake up on this morning, I choose a good day.

Why not choose a good day?

It’s the best choice and my life and my light will open up.

I will live with this open heart, open mind, and open arms.

I am forgiveness.

I am light.

I am love.

I go about my day seeing opportunities, possibilities, blessings and miracles.

I go about my day grateful for everything that is out there.

I am grateful. I am light. I am love.

And I thank you for being here with me.

That was your morning pep talk.

I AM AN INFINITE BEING | Morning Pep Talk (Video)

When I reached my first 100 subscribers on You Tube, I asked the lovely ladies in my community what kind of content they would like me to create for them next.

These were the two options that got the most votes.

  1. Pep Talk
  2. Live Video

I went live in my Hey Shoo WOW community and here is my first pep talk – I am an Infnite Being.

I AM AN INFINITE BEING | Morning Pep Talk (Podcast)

Related: Meditation to Remember Who You Really Are

Catch Our Podcasts on Spotify : Believe in Miracles 365

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