What's the Next Step in Your Accounting Career?

What’s the Next Step in Your Accounting Career? (Infographic)

Becoming an Accountant takes dedication to learn what you need to know, explore the available certifications, and gain the experience that you need. When you’ve been working as an accountant for a while or even if you’re newly qualified, you should think about where you’re taking your career.

What’s the next step that you should take if you want to take your career to the next level?

Find a Niche/Specialism

If you haven’t already, choosing a specialism or niche to work with can be a smart way to take the next step in your career. It can help you to develop skills and knowledge that are in demand, and you might be able to choose a career path that allows you to earn more.

Become a Freelancer

Once you have some experience in accounting, you could also consider being a freelance accountant. Working as a self-employed accountant means you can have control over who you work with and what services you offer. It can also mean putting in a lot of work to find clients, but many of your clients will be repeat customers who need regular support.

Get a Master’s in Accounting

If you want to level up your education, a master’s degree could help you to build on your knowledge. It could present a variety of career opportunities for you, and help you to earn more money if you’re looking for a way to improve your earning potential. You can even gain your degree online if you want to study around other commitments.

What's the Next Step in Your Accounting Career? (Infographic) | UAB MACC Level Up FINAL Compressed 5.30.19
Infographic Design By University of Alabama Birmingham

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