Cosmetic Procedures to Enhance a Smile

Cosmetic Procedures that can Enhance a Smile

Cosmetic Procedures to Enhance a Smile

Many people are not 100% happy with their smile. It is known to be one of the most important physical features that people look for and can benefit a person both socially as well as for business prospects.

A cosmetic dentist in Mackay is an understanding and compassionate dentist who is able to provide sound advice and style a treatment plan that will be able to align with the desires and wishes of their patients.

If the procedure involves straightening teeth or cleaning them in any way, then certainly this improvement in appearance can also improve oral health as well. It is the aim of any dental practice to not only provide their patients with a smile that they are pleased to share with the world but to also educate their patients on how to obtain a healthier mouth, as well as how to maintain it.

What Cosmetic Procedures are Available?

Have you considered any cosmetic dental procedures? Here are a few ideas you could use to enhance your smile. #cosmeticprocedurestoenhanceasmile #cosmeticdentistry #cosmeticdentistTooth Whitening

One of the most simple, cost-effective and pleasing procedures that a dentist at Northern Beaches Dental in Mackay can do is a simple tooth whitening treatment.

By visiting a dentist for this procedure rather than buying a kit online, patients can ensure that they are not damaging the surface of their teeth as can happen with treatments that are not dentist approved.

Each treatment is completely customised and is not some universal package that is applied to teeth in a 15 minutes treatment session.

Dentists will create the best possible results for their individual patient by listening to their needs and desires and discussing the potential results before commencing.

Teeth can be stained from a number of things: red wine, coffee, smoking, tea, age or medications. By understanding the cause of he discolouration, dentists can provide the right treatment to provide the best results.

Applying Crowns or Bridges

The application of a crown or a bridge is a great cosmetic improvement whilst having the additional benefit of providing strength and support to an existing tooth as well.

Should a tooth become damaged or decayed, rather than losing the entire tooth, there is the option of clearing away the diseased and affected tissue and replacing the visible part of the tooth with a natural porcelain crown.

If there are several damaged teeth, then rather than having multiple crowns, a Dentist is able to create a bridge, which can prevent remaining healthy teeth from shifting or becoming damaged themselves due to being overexposed.

Crowns and bridges restore a patient’s ability to eat properly again and is the standard treatment for when a person has cracked, chipped or broken a tooth. It is also used when teeth have become decayed or diseased, providing strength and stability again in a natural-looking way.

They are a long-lasting treatment when cared for properly and fit tightly over the damaged area to inhibit further decay or disease. They are a protective, restorative treatment that has been designed to be cosmetically appealing as well so that the patient can continue to smile confidently.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Over to You

Have you had any cosmetic work done on your teeth to enhance your smile?  What did you have done and why? We’d love to hear your story in the comments below.

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