How to Travel and Blog

How To Stay Organized Blogging when You Travel

How to Blog and Travel

How to Blog and Travel

Aah… I love contributed posts like these. Because although I’m not travelling at this stage of my life, I’m a big fan of AND rather than OR.  If blogging is a passion and travelling is a passion of yours too, why not combine the two?  And they make such a perfect combination because blogging can fund your travels and travelling can fuel your blog (if you’re blogging about your travels of course).  

Oh my goodness, I think I’ve just talked myself into starting a travel blog one day (when the travel bug kicks in again). 

Since having my son we haven’t travelled much but hey, he’s getting old enough to remember and appreciate trips now. Could be a fabulous idea. Don’t they say travelling is the best education you can give a child? 

So. A new goal. When my blogs are making $10,000 a month, we’ll start travelling as a family. And then I’ll come back and read this post again.

How To Stay Organized with Blogging when You Travel

Blogging and Travelling? What a dream life. Right? At least it can be, if you're organized. #howtoblogandtravelWhen you want to be able to travel the world, being a blogger can open up so many opportunities for you to do it. Being a blogger is a job that can often be done from anywhere. When you’re a solo entrepreneur and all you need is an internet connection be able to run your business, the world really is your oyster.

But one thing’s for sure, that doesn’t mean that you can dash off on exciting travels and just enjoy yourself whenever you want. Of course, you do often get to make the most of the time and have a lot of fun. But you still have to work.

Because when you have your own business and you’re the only one running it, you can’t just walk away from your work for weeks on end. You’ll find that you just lose business that way!

So, you have to work. But how do you balance the two?

It’s easy to think that this would be easy, but it’s not. When you’re travelling and you’re out of your usual routine, it’s hard to make sure that you can still get everything done and see the place that you’re visiting.

So, to help you here, you need to be organized. When you work for yourself and even work from home as part of that, you know that organization is key. And when you decide to take your passion on the road and fit more into your daily schedule, organization becomes incredibly crucial. So let’s look at how you’re going to do it.

Plan Ahead

The very first thing you have to do is make sure that you’re always planning ahead. While things may not be set in stone, you have to know what you’ve got coming up when you’re looking to plan a trip.

Think about your upcoming work schedule and what projects you have planned in for the next few weeks or months. Then plan in time that you think you can travel, and ensure that you can complete work to the right deadlines.

Find Suitable Accommodation

Next, you’ll want to get your trip booked. Flights can be fine – just make sure that you choose a time that will help you to be productive either the day before, on the flight, or the next day.

You don’t really want to lose three days if you don’t have to. When it comes to the accommodation, use an online search like to find something suitable in the local area. Above all, ensure that you’re finding somewhere you know you can work from when you need to.

Try To Get As Much Done As You Can Before You Leave

So now you need to be thinking about what you can do to prepare for the trip. This is going to involve a lot of work.

Get basic things done before you leave, like informing your clients or customers, and managing your admin. But also try and close off any projects you can, so that you’re ahead of the game.

Know What You Want To Do While You’re There

It’s also important to know what you want to do when you’re travelling. Don’t just turn up and hope for the best as this is one way to ensure that you miss out. So do some research and figure out what things you might like to see or do while you’re away.

In the same way, you might want to plan out some content before you go.  If you’re a travel blogger, you could already write or half-write a few posts while you’re doing this research. Then you can complete them once you’ve seen the sights for yourself.

Blogging and Travelling? What a dream life. Right? At least it can be, if you're organized. #howtoblogandtravel

Work Out A Rough Itinerary

Then, you’re going to want to pull together a rough itinerary of what your days look like. Take a look at something like to help you. It doesn’t have to be concrete, just make sure you know what yours days will look like so you can be sure you’ll balance your travel and work well enough.

Make The Most Of Your Mornings

If you’re wondering exactly how you’re meant to get any work done when you’re travelling, think about using your mornings. If you can, get up super early and enjoy a productive morning of work before you head out for the day to see the area, explore, or do the things you want to do.

Be Patient

But also make sure that you don’t overpack your schedule. Remember that wifi may not be overly strong, or you may not be able to locate it when you need it. So be patient and take your time with work. You’re travelling or on a trip after all, so it’s okay to just go at a slower pace and take it easy.

Have An Assistant On-Hand

From here, it may also be a good idea to have an assistant on hand. Working with a virtual assistant or someone back home to work on things when you need them is a great support option. Just see and you’ll know why.

If you need them, or you have urgent emails coming in or work that needs doing, then knowing you can push back to them often gives you peace of mind.

Have Some Kind Of System

Alongside your itinerary, you’ll want to work in some kind of routine for when you’ll work too. Whether it is those early mornings or even late afternoon before you head out again, it’s handy to have a routine if you can. This will allow you to stay productive and ensure you still get work done.

Allow For Downtime

Above all else, you really will need to make sure that you’re planning in some downtime. Remember, you’re travelling.

If you’re on a particularly short trip, you will want to make the most of it. Don’t overpack your schedule.

This is why pre-planning and trying to do as much as you can before you leave – particularly when we’re talking about getting ahead with campaigns and scheduling.

This way, you won’t feel stressed out, you’ll stay organized, and you’ll have that perfect balance while you travel.

Are you already out there, travelling and blogging? Are you doing it on your own or with your family?  

I absolutely love reading stories of family travel bloggers. So inspiring!!   

Feel free to drop some travel and blog tips and a link to your travel blog below.

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