Tapping on Disappointment

Tapping on Disappointment (Video)

Over the last couple of months, I’ve started introducing you to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) on my YouTube Channel and my tapping videos are proving to be quite popular.

My most loved video so far is my video on the Money Afformations I outlined in my post, How to Clear Money Blocks.

In my latest video, I’m tapping on disappointment.

I found this quick EFT session completely transformed how I felt about the upcoming year.

Before doing this EFT session…

Feelings of inadequacy had been coming up for me towards the end of 2019 because I was focusing on what I hadn’t accomplished last year instead of what I had accomplished.

It felt like I had so many plans for the year that I didn’t follow through on – the main one that was bothering me was that I didn’t create any online courses even though that was something I set out to do.

After the EFT session…

After the session, it dawned on me that, although I didn’t create online courses, I did start moving in the direction of courses. I built a bank of videos on YouTube and this gave me heaps of experience in being in front of the camera.   And I did create my first video tutorial at Wealthy Affiliate.  

And I also did a ton of training on video courses, how to set up a training, which platforms to choose etc.  So I’m much more qualified to set up my first online course now.

I’m ready now.

Everything happens in its own perfect timing.

So if you’re feeling disappointed about how 2019 unfolded for you, try this EFT session.  Tapping on disappointment may be the cure for you too.

Wishing you a stunning 2020!

Here’s to Your Success!

Feeling disappointed about anything that you didn't get around to doing last year? Try out this EFT tapping seFeeling disappointed about anything that you didn't get around to doing last year? Try out this EFT tapping session and let me know how it works for you. I found it made me feel worlds better about 2020. #tappingondisappointment #emotionalfreedomtechnique #EFT #EFTTapping


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